Oddly enough, I didn't have this problem on my laptop, but we had it on the other computer. After the most recent update, youtube videos got a blue tint. It looked quite nice, actually, but anyway. So a little googling led me to this site.
It turned out this problem is very easily solvable: you just have to turn off Hardware Acceleration from Settings (right click on any flash video).
To do this without clicking on the video (if for example nothing happens when you click on it) you can do
$sudo nano /etc/adobe/mms.cfg
where you should have:
Interestingly enough, the computer which got this problem does not use NVIDIA video card, so I have no idea where the problem is. Turning off the Hardware Acceleration for Flash, however, solved the problem, without a noticeable increase in the CPU use.
It turned out this problem is very easily solvable: you just have to turn off Hardware Acceleration from Settings (right click on any flash video).
To do this without clicking on the video (if for example nothing happens when you click on it) you can do
$sudo nano /etc/adobe/mms.cfg
where you should have:
Interestingly enough, the computer which got this problem does not use NVIDIA video card, so I have no idea where the problem is. Turning off the Hardware Acceleration for Flash, however, solved the problem, without a noticeable increase in the CPU use.
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