сряда, 29 август 2012 г.

How to root your Xoom MZ601

Today, I just decided I need to root my Xoom. So here's how it went.
1. I updated to Android ICS 4.0.4 over the air. It was a pleasant surprise having this update, since it's the first update I get ever.
2. I search the net for a guide for rooting from 4.0.4 The files can be found on this one: http://www.xoomforums.com/forum/team-eos/16342-rom-ics-team-eos-ics-2-0-0-updated-2012-4-27-a.html and the tutorial in the second post of http://www.xoomforums.com/forum/motorola-xoom-development/15179-how-rookie-rooting-flashing-unrooting-under-one-roof.html .
I had some problem downloading the files since I couldn't find the file for my MZ601 so instead I downloaded one of the nightly releases i.e. EOS-umts_everest-20120826-109.zip
which along with gapps-ics-20120429-signed.zip were copied into my sdcard.
The file recovery-Tiamat-R4c-100611-1150-cwm.img went into two folders since I didn't know which one was the correct one: /opt/android-sdk-update-manager/platform-tools/ and /opt/android-sdk-update-manager/tools/
And then I just followed the instruction (note that I unlocked the device just after the Factory Reset using the way described in http://www.mokonamodoki.com/motorola-xoom-final-rescue : download the Motorola tools and run $./fastboot oem unlock ) 
3. Rooting was much easier that I expected. Generally, I followed the instructions to the word and it worked.
$./adb reboot bootloader
$./fastboot flash recovery recovery-Tiamat-R4c-100611-1150-cwm.img

Once you have verification on your device that this has been flashed:
Vol Up + Power.
Vol Down to enter the boot menue

After entering in "Android Recovery":
Hold Vol. Up to enter into recovery.

Then do:
 wipe cache,
 wipe factory data,
Advance->wipe dalvik cache

Iinstall zip from sdcard- > Choose zip from sdcard
Select the  EOS-umtsgapps-ics-20120429-signed.zipGapps and flash it and then reboot.
And that's it!
Everything was done in about 5 minutes. The system rebooted in about 3 - kind of slow, but I suspect it's because this is the first time it starts. Now, you have a glorious, customized, rooted Android 4.0.4.
To unroot, you can use the third post in the same site.  There is an easier way to change curstom ROMs after the first root and it can be found on this site. It's done by using the goomanager.
Btw, I'm not sure if this ROM has a complete root or not, but one site suggests that you have to do (according to this site):
  • In the command window on your PC type; adb remount
  • Type; adb push su /system/bin
  • Type; adb shell
  • Type; ln -s /system/bin/su /system/xbin/su (this line starts with lower case “L”, like llama)
  • Type; chmod 4755 /system/bin/su
  • Type; exit
  • Type; adb push Superuser.apk /system/app
I have to try out my new Android first to see if those steps are needed, but it doesn't hurt having them posted here as well. 

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